Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More incompetence and corruption at the South End School Carterton:

As if the vilification of me was bad enough I've now received evidence, and permission to publish it, regarding the unlawful bullying and sacking of ANOTHER loyal and valuable former member of staff at the South End School in Carterton, and a former manager of our local community gardens.

A parent who recently heard about what happened to me at the South End School told me that their child had brought home confidential correspondence regarding a complaint about another sacking, although it had nothing to do with her or her child whatsoever.  She told me that she was upset that this information had been given to her child and brought home and that she had inadvertantly become aware of the pain and distress of the person who had not only been unfairly aggrieved but then had his sensitive and private information inappropriately shared so casually and randomly.

She showed it to me, and I told her that I knew the person concerned, and that they were a highly valued former manager of our community garden, and I offered to return the correspondence to the person concerned and tell him how I came by it, which this lady agreed was the best thing to do under the circumstances. 

She mentioned that although the matter was nothing to do with her or her child, she had been upset by the contents of the communications and the evidence distress caused to the person involved, and she felt distressed by the breach of that person's privacy in addition to the original ill treatment by the Board of Trustees and the school secretary, Elaine Scully, who had handed the correspondence to the child of the person who handed it to me.  This is the "Elaine" refered to in the note in the bottom right hand corner of this letter,  The "Emily" refered to is Emily Brown, more on her later.  This is the information - published with the full permission of the person concerned, whose name I deleted to protect his privacy although he gave me permission to publish it anyway:

This clearly shows that the Board of Trustees and staff were not acting in accordance with their own policies and procedures OR the current legislation, and they have been acting ultra vires - without lawful authority - by continuing to act in this way after the appointment of the Statutory Manager, Ken Wilson, whose responsibilities were explicit - all matters involving personnel and finance. 

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